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Some things YOU cannot change: Your Height, Your Eye color,Your Ethnic backround,Your DNA:what makes You,YOU .Your Taste:some people will never like a certain type of Food,even after they've tried it. :)


But there's so much more you CAN change:Your Hair color,appearance,Your thoughts & Opinions,how you view the world,Your attitude,Your Confidence,Your Personality.You can change your bad Habits , another thing You definitely can change is Your Body :the Container of your well being for a Long & Healthy Life.


Many people mistakenly believe that their body type is inevitable ,they've been told :you have to accept it & live with what was passed on to you by your parents. Not really .


Just like everything else you can change you can change your Body type. Whether because of medical reasons or Lifestyle you control how your body looks & how Healthy you want to be NOW & 10,20 30 years,etc.from now.


When you struggle with your weight or body image you have to stay Positive towards yourself,when that negative recording starts to say : you can't ,it's too hard,I don't have time to change it, NO, just turn it around,Focusing on how far you have to go does,nt acknowledge how far you've already come.


You may not be where you need & want to be Right Now, but stick to your endeavors,acknowledge Your Efforts,stay Focused ,be Optimistic about what you want to change.


You may not have done as much as you would like to or should have,but if you give it your best effort then it was a good day .Staying Positive makes all the difference.

Don't let a critical frame of mind hinder your progress,we can be our own worst critic,& sometimes we can become comfortable & complacent,or feel too stressed or over burdened to make the time available for your physique improvement,strive for improvement and take the steps necessary to complete your goal.


Be a Self Validating person.

Be your own Best Advocate.

You are a work of Art so turn it into a Masterpiece.

How you treat your Body Now will determine how your Body treats you in the Future.


Personal Fitness Training


"Motivation is Essential"

Stay in Focus




Transforming Obstacles into Strategies for Success


If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years that holds true for nearly everyone I’ve ever trained and talked to, it’s that reaching your fitness and physique development goals isn’t always easy.



Often times we find ourselves confronted with obstacles , challenges , lifestyle choices, and activities that can prevent us from moving forward : events, habits, stress, depression, or friends can derail progress or, in the worst case, prevent us from building a better body.



Make no mistake about it, we cannot travel through life without facing some sort of a situation or event that challenges us. An obstacle that stops us in our tracks and prevents us from moving forward. Whether it’s a tragic event, such as the loss or illness of a close relative, family member or a dear friend, or simply the temptation to eat the wrong the foods or simply the lack of time we all seem to face in our busy lives or perhaps the multiple deadlines we’re up against that challenge us to juggle our priorities.

Whatever they may be, or however unique to us these challenges are, there is one fundamental truth I know for sure: they are certain to come. What’s more, these roadblocks are highly unpredictable. As you’ve likely experienced , they usually decide to pop up at the most inconvenient times.



Needless to say, each of us each and every day whether we’re confronted with a roadblock that prevents us from achieving our best bodies or a tragic event that temporarily stops us from living life to the fullest each and every one of us makes choices about how we plan to deal with the challenges that lie in front of us.



Now, while some decisions are certainly more important than others, we must understand that to overcome any challenge in life, we need to make choices that will lead us in the right direction. Because with each new choice, we open the doors to many more exciting, new choices which either lead us closer to our expected outcome or further away. And as a result, for better or worse, our life’s ultimate direction, and whether we can overcome these challenges, becomes the sum total of these decisions.


Here, today, just as you’re reading this, take a moment to ask yourself: “When faced with a roadblock or a challenge, do you choose to complain about it, or do you choose to create a possibility for success and a plan to overcome it?”



Go ahead. Take a few minutes to really search yourself for the answer. From what I’ve seen, there are two types of people: those who complain and break when confronted with perceived obstacles and those who create endless possibilities, transform their circumstances, and find ways to transform the obstacles into challenges to overcome.


Which type of person are you?




If you’re typically a “complainer,” my hope is we can help you transform your way of thinking. Now, if you’re a person who nine times out of ten chooses to create a positive situation from a negative experience, then great ,you should be extremely proud of yourself.




Now, what I’d like to do is explore more than the “roadblocks” you’ve likely encountered those "obstacles" that have, up till now, prevented you from building your absolute best body but more importantly, I’d like to share with you a remarkably powerful, yet incredibly simple strategy for how to take any obstacle, challenge,habit or roadblock and quickly and easily turn it into a positive, rewarding, and educational stepping stone to your fitness success.




It’s called The Triumph Principle it’s a four-step exercise, and here’s how it works:




STEP 1: Choose Your Final Result


The result is what you want your body to look like and feel like once you’ve accomplished your goal. It’s different from the goal itself, which is a very specific, measurable outcome. The result is more about what the situation will feel like. What your life will feel like. How you will feel about yourself, once you’ve accomplished your goal.




For instance, if you’re trying to build a better body, your result may be how much energy you have. How much more confidence you’ll exude. How your physical appearance will look-will it be muscular or lean or shapely? These are all a result of what you are setting out to achieve.




STEP 2: Determine Your Specific Goal


While the result is what your body looks like when it’s done, the goal is what you want to have happen. Your goal must be specific, measurable, realistic, and time-dated. These are the elements that make up an effective goal. A goal so specific and clear that your mind can almost see it.




Again, if your goal is build a better body well, that won’t cut it as a goal. You’ve got to follow the guidelines of a goal. So, you can turn that statement into a powerful goal by simply stating it more clearly. “ My goal is to gain 10lbs of muscle and lose 12lbs of bodyfat in six weeks.” Can you see how much more specific this goal is? Plus, you now have something to measure your progress against.




STEP 3: List Your Obstacles(Challenges)


When you have a clear picture in your mind of what you’re trying to accomplish, usually the obstacles to achieving that goal quickly come to mind. (Sometimes, they’re just simple excuses). These obstacles, as you will see, will become your stepping stones to creating strategies to overcome them.




So, if you want to build a better body, you certainly know that doesn’t come easy. And, as you’ve already indicated, there is at least one, if not several, obstacles that may stand in your way. Now, if you list those obstacles that you feel are your greatest raodblocks, you’ll be more than halfway to achieving what you want. Seriously..




STEP 4: List Your Success Strategies


You’re probably thinking to yourself, “what is this guy talking about ? List my success strategies? If it were that easy, I would have overcome my obstacles long ago.” Please allow me to explain .




By looking at each obstacle-or simply picking one-you are forced to focus on the “how” to overcome it. If you list all of the possible obstacles, your mind instantly becomes filled with the endless opportunities on how you can achieve your goals. Because within the obstacle itself lies the answers to overcoming it. Your answers become your strategies for success.




Let me give you an example. Starting with a list of some obstacles, see how the answer to overcome them instantly appears:




1. Not controlling portion sizes. (Answer: Measure all protein and carb-containing foods-they should be equal to the size of your clenched fist.)


2. Being tempted by unhealthy foods in my kitchen (Answer: Throw out or donate the “bad”stuff).


3. Eating late at night, especially right before going to bed.(Answer: Start using a fiber drink, like Metamucil, about one hour after eating dinner to prevent late-night snack cravings, also you can try (5-HTP),CLA-(Conjugated Linoleic Acid), Glucomannan, Guggulsterone, GABA- Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid, Fish Oil Gel Caps All of which have shown to be very effective at curbing late night cravings, helping to sleep more soundly, and to actually help you to burn more bodyfat while you sleep ( more on all that in the Nutrition section ).




Can you see how this works ? I’ve found it’s really quite amazing how you can build your own strategies for achieving whatever you want(including building your best body) simply by listing ways to overcome the challenges you’re faced with .




Bottom Line


Interestingly, this process will help you work through virtually any challenge. You’ll find it’s a very useful tool to overcome any roadblock that stands in the way of your fitness success. Ultimately though, you have to decide, whenever you’re faced with an obstacle that may stand in the way of reaching your goals, whether to simply complain about it,ignore it ? or create the possibilities to overcome it. I encourage you to try this simple exercise today and begin the journey to your fitness success.




Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

Henry Ford



Success is a journey, not a destination.




You must do the very thing you think you cannot do.

Eleanor Roosevelt.






To get what you have never had before You must do the things You have not done.  ?



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